What is Global Warming?
by Krysta Cardinale
Global warming is the increase in average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. In the last few decades this increase has been relatively significant
Causes of Global Warming
The general scientific belief for global warming is the increased burning of fossil fuels and thus increases the emission of greenhouse gases into the Earth’s atmosphere. Some greenhouse gases are produced naturally while others are the direct result of human activities. Natural greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and water vapor. Human activities then increase the amount of these gases produced naturally. Greenhouse gases that are man-made include sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs), which are created in a number of industrial processes. An increase in greenhouse gases increases the temperature of the Earth because they are transparent to short wave radiation from the sun, while they have the ability to absorb the cooler infra-red radiation from the Earth. This fact alone describes how greenhouse gases make it more difficult for the Earth the cool itself off.
Human activities are considered one of the main causes of global warming. Several human activities increase the emission of certain greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. When fossil fuels such as oils, natural gas, and coal, in addition to wood, wood products, and solid waste are burned they emit Carbon Dioxide. Methane is emitted during such activities as the production and transportation of certain natural gases, coal, and oil. The raising of livestock and the decomposition of organic wastes in solid waste landfills also have resulted in the emission of Methane. During both industrial and agricultural activities and the combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels nitrous oxide is emitted. The actual percentage of Carbon dioxide recorded is and increase by 31% since 1750 and about ¾ of this increase is from deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.
Besides greenhouse gases, forest destruction and population are two other causes of global warming. Advances in technology have increased the human population thus resulting in damaging Earth’s resources. For example, the Industrial Revolution caused a rapid growth in population. In turn, oils and gas were subjugated to our use. Carbon dioxide increases are in a direct relationship to population growth. The overpopulation of Earth and the increasing use of technologies are only destructive to the limited natural resources that Earth holds. In addition, forests play an important role in the cycle of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees are the largest known natural mechanism for removing carbon dioxide from the air. This is because they possess a large storage space for carbon dioxide in their structures. As the process of deforestation continues, the more and more carbon dioxide is unable to be stored by the existing trees. Thus, forest destruction only creates more heat
Effects of Global Warming
The predicted effects of global warming not only impact the environment, but human life as well. Effects of global warming on the environment include glaciers, ecosystems, ocean currents, and sea level. Impacts on the human level include financial matters and the spread of disease.
The most popular effect of global warming is its’ impact on glaciers. Global warming has so far and will continue to have negative effects on the glacier mass balance. From 1900-1980 there has been a recorded decline from 144 to 142 mountain glaciers. From 1980 to 2002 there has been a recorded net decline in all but a few mountain glacier masses. The biggest concern would be the failure of the glaciers in Hindu Kush and the Himalayas. These glaciers are the main water supply for China, India, and most of Asia. The complete melting of these glaciers would result in a major flow for several decades, however after that the most populated areas in the world could potentially run out of water.
Other effects of global warming include predicted impacts on the ecosystems and ocean currents. The continued increase in temperature will scientifically lessen the snow cap, create a rise in sea level, and produce weather changes. The combination of the effects of global warming will cause a change in the ecosystems. This change can potentially force animals out of their habitats endangering their existence and possibly even forcing them into extinction, while other animals may flourish. There is also the belief that global warming can affect ocean currents. An example of this would be the slowdown and likely shutdown of thermohaline circulation. This would lead to the localized cooling in the North Atlantic region such as Scandinavia and Britain who are warmed by the North Atlantic Drift.
In addition to the environment, human life will also be greatly affected by the increasing average temperature of the Earth. Global warming has the ability to increase the areas that bread such diseases as malaria, bluetongue disease, Hantavirus infection, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, tularemia, and rabies. Increases in several of these diseases have already been recorded in the north Mediterranean region and Russia.
As previously mentioned, global warming will in turn increase the height of sea level. A slight increase in sea level will make some densely populated coastal areas completely uninhabitable. For example, if the sea level raised a total of 4 meters practically every coastal city in the world would be drastically impacted creating major impacts on the world’s trade and economy. Within the next millennium a predicted 200 million people will be devastated with loss due to an irreversible glacier melt and rise in sea level. By 2100 the sea level is probably to rise 1 meter. Between the rise in sea level and the prediction of severe weather conditions, there will be a significant increase cost in insurance, disaster relief, tax payers, and industry. The world’s two largest companies, Munich Re and Swiss Re have already been warned in 2002 that the effects of global warming will cost them 150 billion US dollars each year in the next decade. If the causes of global warming, such as carbon dioxide emission were limited the amount of tropical cyclones will decrease by almost 80% in the next 75 years. The Past year alone has been proven to be the most costly year yet due to natural disasters.
Prevent the Causes of Global Warming
The causes and effects of global warming maintain both a direct and indirect relationship. They are directly related because the causes of global warming result in the effects. However the causes and effects of global warming are inversely related because one can prevent and fix the causes, but cannot reverse the damage/effects once they are already done.
Now that you have a better understand of what is global warming, the next would be how to prevent it? There are simple things that an individual can do to decrease the causes and effects of global warming. The world’s electricity is based primarily on the burning of coal, so one should decrease the amount and their demand of electricity or try and use other methods such as solar powered. By simply decreasing the electric power use, one is not only reducing the global warming problem but also breathing in cleaner air and saving money. The second decrease should be in the use of one’s car by perhaps joining a carpool or using public transportation. There are also fuel-efficient cars that are being mass produced. By either decreasing the overall use of one’s car or replacing it with a fuel-efficient or hybrid automobile, one is not only helping in the reduction of greenhouse gas emission but is also saving money on parts, repairs, gas, and oil. The third and easiest prevention method would be to simply recycle.
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